Lenora Easy Living
This is the story of Limari and her journey to New Zealand. Limari was born in Easy Living Kennels proudly owned by Lisa and Hans Roeters. Limari's father is Prince Charming Van De Weyenberg and her mother is Halexandra Easy Living. Limari is destined to come across the world to us in New Zealand and this is the story of this journey and all her friends that she has met along the way......
Easy Living Bernese Mountain Dogs
Hans and Lisa breed some beautiful Bernese Mountain dogs. It was important for us that the dogs are house pets first as that is our biggest belief also. At least when they come visit us they will understand the dog hair in every place imaginable. Lisa and Hans breed following the rules of the FCI, St Hurbertus as well as the Belgium Bernese Mountain Dog Club. Easy living breeds for health, long livity and temperament, which is what made their kennels so appealing to us. We contacted them a few years ago and they agreed that they would sell us a puppy! The wait was long but well worth it Limari is beautiful and from what Sandra tells us has the personality to match! We will be forever indebited to Hans and Lisa for selling this beautiful baby to us.
Above: Hans and Lisa with Easy Living dogs from left to right Halexandra, Limari, Kalina and Jelena
Above: The Easy Living Girls.......Halexandra, Babushka, Georgiana, Dio and Gathinka
Left: Kati, Georgiana, Jelena and Halexadra Right: Halexandra and Jenson
Above: Hans other love his motorbike ohh and a bernese, Georgiana. The only thing missing is the rest of the Bernese and Lisa :)
Left: Lisa and her girls, Gathinka, Georgiana and Babushka Right: Lisa, Jenson and Enikita
(his grandmother)
Above: Lisa Gathinka, Jelena, Halexandra, Jenson, Georgiana and Kati
Left & Right: Hans Roeters bonding with little Limari
Left: Lisa and Hans with Limari Right: Hans and Limari
Above: Lisa with her dogs Jelena (left) and Limaris mum Helexandra (right)
Little Limari and the Dresselaers Family
Sandra, Ronnie, Myrthe and Yannick are kindly taking care of Limari for us and they are doing an amazing job! With all the awesome pictures that Sandra emails us I dont think Limari will grow one millimetre without us seeing it. Apart from touching her we can see everything and the best part about it is that she will come well trained!! We are missing out on all the toilet training and basic obdience!! And we owe this all to Sandra and family.
Above: Sandra cuddling our little baby!!!
Above: Ronnie walking Limari
Left: Myrthe and Limari Right: Yannick and Limari
Little Limari and her friends.......
Above: Ronny pushing Limari in her pram. Right: Ann giving little Limari pats.
Left & Right: Ronny
Left: Charissa Right: Katrien and Laura
Left: Cindy Right: Laura
Left: Ronny Right: Limari and Algo
Left: Limari Right: Limari and Algo
Left: Limari and Lelia Right: Limari and Isabella
Left: Limari and Isabella Right: Limari and Isabella
Left: Limari Right: Limari and Yuna
Left: Limari and Lloyd Right: Limari, Lloyd and Yuna
Left: Limari and Yuna Right: Limari, Lloyd, Yuna and Zyko
Left & Right: Limari, Lloyd, Yuna and Zyko